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We believe that a good attendance habit gives your child the best possible start in life and helps develop the skills needed in adult life.

Start of the day

It is very important to develop good routines for getting to school on time. The parking around the school is very limited, so if you have to travel by car you should allow for this. The school gates are open from 8.30am and children head straight into their classroom ready for registration 8.45am.


If your child is unwell, please phone the school before 9.30am and leave a message; if you don’t do this, the school will contact you to find out where your child is.

If your child becomes unwell during the day, we will contact you to come and collect them. Please ensure that we always have up to date telephone numbers for you.

Reducing infections
In terms of length of time needed to recover from a particular illness we follow the Health protection in schools and other childcare facilities produced by Public Health England:
This gives the recommended times to ensure that childhood illnesses are not spread throughout a school, e.g. for diarrhoea and vomiting it is recommended that a child remains off school for 48 hours from the last bout of illness.
https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/658736/Exclusion_ table.pdf 

End of the day

The school day for all pupils finishes at 3.15pm. The children are walked by their teacher to the front of the school at the end of the day. Please ensure you collect your child on time.

Holiday during term time

There is no entitlement for parents to remove their child from school for the purpose of holiday in term time. The head teacher will look at each case individually and only authorise holiday in extreme exceptional circumstances. The Local Authority will issue parents with a Penalty Notice of £60 per parent per child for taking holiday during term time. If you do need to take your child out of school other than for medical reasons, please complete a holiday application form which is available from the School Office.

Important Letters

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