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Collective Worship

Worship at Stonegate Primary School takes place at school and in Church and is led by teachers, members of our community or our Vicar. Children are encouraged to take an active part in every Worship. 

Collective worship is planned at the start of each Term by the Headteacher who uses resources and ideas from https://www.assemblies.org.uk/. Children are regularly asked to evaluate Worship to ensure that they feel that the best experiences are being had.

As a Church school all our acts of collective worship are Christian and relate to topics associated with our four Core Values. 

All children develop:

  • An understanding of the influence of beliefs, values and traditions on individuals, communities, societies and cultures
  • The ability to make reasoned and informed responses to religious and moral issues
  • An awareness of the fundamental questions of life raised by human experiences and of how religions relate to them
  • Positive attitudes in relation to:

- self awareness

- respect for all

- open-mindedness

- appreciation and wonder

- general aspects of the PSHE Curriculum

In 2021, we started planning our Collective Worship with Wadhurst School. This has been a very enjoyable experience and we are pleased to share expertise with them. 

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