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School Attainment

Initial Outcomes 2023 - 2024

Outcomes and comparisons against the Local Authority and National Attainment to be confirmed in September 2024


Good Level of Development 64.7% 

Year 1 Phonics

Pass – 85.7% 

Year 2 (Teacher Assessment)

Year 2 Reading - 75%   

Year 2 Writing – 75% 

Year 2 Grammar – 75%  

Year 2 Maths -   66.6% 

Year 2 Reading, Writing and Maths combined – 66.6%

Year 6 (KS2 SATs and Teacher Assessment)

Reading 2024 -   81% Expected,   19% Greater Depth,     Average Scaled Score 105

Writing 2024 -    68% Expected,     0% Greater Depth

Maths 2024 -      88% Expected,   31% Greater Depth,      Average Scaled Score 105

Grammar 2024 - 50% Expected,  19% Greater Depth,      Average Scaled Score 102

Reading, Writing and Maths Combined - 63% Expected,  0% Greater Depth

End of Year 2022 - 2023


Good Level of Development 73.3% (County Average 70.1%)

The school continues to remain above the Local Authority Average for GLD.

Year 1 Phonics

Pass – 83.3% (County Average 76.7%)

Improved school outcomes from 2022 – Little Wandle Synthetic Phonics Scheme

Year 2 (Teacher Assessment)

Year 2 Reading - 50%    (County Average 67.9%)

Year 2 Writing – 42.9%  (County Average 59.3%)

Year 2 Maths -   42.9%  (County Average 68.9%)

Year 2 Science – 78.6%  (County Average 79.7%)

Year 2 Reading, Writing and Maths combined – 42.9%  (County Average 54.9%)

Outcomes were in line with our expectations; this is a cohort with significant need and have been consistently low attaining throughout their journey. Additional support has been and will remain in place for this group of children.

Year 6 (KS2 SATs and Teacher Assessment)

Year 6 Reading - 83% Expected and 33% Greater Depth (County Average 71% and 26%)

                             Average Scaled Score – 105.5 (CA – 104.8)

Year 6 Writing -  91% Expected and 16% Greater Depth (County Average 65.5% and 9.9%)

Year 6 Maths -    83% Expected and 25% Greater Depth (County Average 68.4% and 17.6%)

                             Average Scaled Score – 105.1 (CA – 103)

Year 6 Grammar - 50% Expected and 16.7% Greater Depth (County Average 64.9% and 22.1%)

                               Average Scaled Score 102.6 (CA – 103.1)

Reading, Writing and Maths - 75% Expected, 8.3% Greater Depth (County Average 55.9% and 5.1%)

Outcomes for end of KS2 remain extremely strong and place the school in the top 10% of the Local Authority.

This maintains the school’s 3-year trend of strong outcomes against the National and Local averages.

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