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Term Dates

Stonegate C.E. Primary School 

(Little Acorns follows the same term dates and Inset days as the main school)

Term Dates: September 2024 to July 2025

Inset day -  Monday 2nd September 2024

Term 1 - Autumn

Tuesday 3rd September to Thursday 24th October 2024

Inset Day - Friday 25th October 2024
Autumn Holiday: Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November 2023

Term 2 - Winter

Inset day - Monday 4th November 2024

Tuesday 5th November to Friday 20th December 2024
Christmas Holiday: Monday 23rd December 2024 to Friday 3rd January 2025

Term 3 - Spring

Monday 6th January to Friday 14th February 2025
February Holiday: Monday 17th February to Friday 21st February 2025

Term 4 - Spring

Monday 24th February to Friday 4th April 2025
Spring Holiday: Monday 7th April to Monday 21st April 2025

Term 5 - Summer

Tuesday 22nd April to Friday 23rd May 2025

Bank Holiday: Monday 5th May 2025
May Holiday: Monday 26th May to Friday 30th May 2025

Term 6 - Summer

Monday 2nd June to Friday 18th July 2025

Inset Days: Monday 21st July and Tuesday 22nd July 2025

Following the guidelines from East Sussex County Council, we do not authorise holiday unless exceptional circumstances.

Inset days are times when the school is closed for the children to allow staff to have time for additional training.

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