The National Curriculum - Provides the breadth for our learning
Pedagogy for Learning at Stonegate
At Stonegate we follow the National Curriculum which is a blueprint used by schools to ensure that teaching standards are universally consistent. Schools are free to plan how the National Curriculum fits with their particular strengths and introduce other activities that extend the learning experience for their pupils. The National Curriculum sets out the most important knowledge and skills that every child has a right to learn.
As part of the National Curriculum the children in Key Stage 1 and 2 are taught compulsory subjects such as: English, Maths, Science, Design and technology, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), History, Geography, Art and design, Music and Physical Education. All schools also have to teach Religious Education, though parents have the right to withdraw children for all or part of the Religious Education curriculum. In addition, schools are advised to teach Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Citizenship, together with at least one Modern Foreign Language.
At Stonegate where we undertake a 'Learning Journey' approach to the curriculum these subjects may be covered under different names, and more than one subject together under the same name. We have an embedded commitment to learning outside of the classroom whenever and whenever we can. All the time the coverage of The National Curriculum is ensured.
At the end of both Key Stage 1 and 2 (Year 2 and 6), your child must take National Tests in English (Reading and Grammar) and Maths. This is in addition to a level of attainment in writing.
You will be sent their test results and their Teacher Assessment of their progress.
It is our aim that by the end of Key Stage 1, most children will have reached National Standard, and by the end of Key Stage 2 most will have met or exceeded National Standard.