
Whenever there is a topic which focuses on History, each learner will explore Historical concepts, content, vocabulary, knowledge and practical skill acquisition.
At the end of the topic, depth (Kapow Learning Statements) and breadth (National Curriculum End Points) are assessed using analyse tasks and pupil conferencing.
Other areas of the National Curriculum will also be taught as part of this topic - however history will usually be the driver for writing and reading.
The School has been awarded with the Heritage Schools Award for its committment to Local History.
Characteristics of a Historian
Throughout a topic the knowledge and skills of being a historian are developed through:
- Substantive concepts - discovering and understanding the driving forces behind events in human history.
- Disciplinary concepts - building the understanding necessary to become young historians.
- Historical enquiry - developing analytical and investigative methods for approaching historical questions.
Intent, Implementation and Impact
This document outlines: the intent and rationale behind our History curriculum, how we deliver it and how we measure pupil progress.
Curriculum Documents
We aim to provide through high quality teaching and learning experiences every child with the key knowledge and transferrable skills they require to achieve in all subjects and develop a love of learning which will be with them for their whole life.
The documents below outline how we do this:
Please note that it is our aim to follow the units in the suggested mixed aged order by Kapow Primary, however we may change them if we feel that they would work better linked to other units / topics from across the National Curriculum.