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Our Fantastic Team

We have a wonderful staffing team at Little Acorns. They all work tirelessly to provide the best experiences for every child. 

Mrs Charlotte Jackson - Room Leader

Charlotte is incredibly enthusiastic and has a true passion for child development and allowing every pupil to reach their potential. She  has a rich experience in working with pre-school children and managing a Pre-School setting. Charlotte is responsible for the day to day running of the Pre-School and should always be parents first point of contact. 

Mrs Cassé - Deputy Room Leader

Julie has a wealth of experience working in a pre-school setting and has a wonderfully caring and nurturing personality. She is a level 3 qualified forest school leader and has a passion for developing children's learning using the outdoors. 

Mrs Marchuk - EYFS Apprentice

Mrs Marchuk has started with us as an apprentice to complete her EYE level 3. She has a calm, kind and nurturing manner means she will help children to feel secure and valued within the pre-school. 

Mrs Hazeldine - EYFS Lead

Mrs Hazeldine is the schools Reception Class Teacher and our EYFS lead. She is an incredible teacher and pupils and parents have a wonderful experience whilst being in her class. As the EYFS lead, she oversees the strategic direction of the Pre-School and supports the Little Acorns team with advice. 

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