Our Church Links
Stonegate is a Church of England Voluntary Controlled school, originally founded by the Church of England, but now funded by the County Council.
The Church nominates governors for the school.
Every day the children meet for collective worship, which is taken by the Vicar once a week.
Services for the whole school are held in St. Peter's Church to celebrate Harvest Festival, Christmas, Easter and the end of the school year. At the end of year service the church gives the leaving children a Bible based activity book to support their journey into a new school.
Parents and friends are invited to attend these services.
For further information about our church:
- https://www.achurchnearyou.com/stonegate-st-peter/
- http://www.sussexparishchurches.org/spc_V31/east-sussex/20-east-sussex-s-w/314-stonegate-st-peter
Leading a Church Service
The school lead an annual Sunday Family Church Service at St Peter's Church. In each service we think about one of our core values: Friendship, Trust, Respect or Courage.
During the service attended by around 30 children from the school, we read poems, show artwork, read scripture from the Bible and describe how we live the core values in our everyday lives (eg role of Playground Friends and Peer Mediators during playtimes and Forest School Learning).
Pictures for the School Hall
Charlotte Snow, a local artist, worked with every child in the school to create 2 pictures linked to The Trinity. They are currently taking pride of place above our altar in the School Hall. Please read more about the pictures below.
Working with our Friends at the Church
Over the last academic year, a group of friends from church, headed up by Charlotte Snow and Fiona Higginson, ran Curriculum Enrichment sessions in the church on Friday afternoons. We looked at topics like Advent and Epiphany, also the Jesse Window. The year culminated in Charlotte working with Fiona Hodder on an installation which is now at the back of the church. It looks stunning!
The idea for this project came from the Bible, Mark 1 Verses 16-20, esecially the words; “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.”