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Year 5/6 Home Learning

The Year 5/6 remote learning plan has been made with our pupils and their families in mind. We believe that this strategy will work best for the children at our school. The work set is aimed at consolidating previous learning and designed to enable the children to work independently.

Children in Year 5 and 6 are expected to complete 2 - 3 hours of ‘structured work’ a day. For the other part of the ‘school day’ children are to complete their ‘pick ‘n’ mix challenges, engage in online learning resources or follow their own interests for learning.

Online learning might include access to PurpleMash, TTRockstars or other websites given by class teachers - links can be found on our School’s website.

The children will be in contact with Mrs Bull and Mrs Seakins and Mrs Wiggins twice at least twice a day. These meetings will be held on G-Suite Classroom Monday to Thursday. 

This contact time is a chance for teachers to talk to children, to discuss learning and to support well-being for all. If your child is not on the online classroom then you will receive a phone call from staff to check in. The children will receive immediate feedback from their structured work (see definition above) as the answers are in the back of their book. Please can parents or children mark their work daily. Discussions and additional feedback with class teachers can then occur during their online classroom ‘lessons’.

Mrs Bull, Mrs Seakins and Mrs Wiggins

Term 4 Home Learning - 2021

Weeks 1 and 2 (Starting 22nd February)

Term 3 Home Learning - 2021

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